Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Recorder Karate: Yellow Belt, Gently Sleep

Here's another play-along for you:

Yellow Belt: Gently Sleep

Yellow Belt Challenge: 

For this week's challenge, you're going to need to cut and paste. Compare the Noteflight score above with the one below. Some measures are missing, but you don't need to enter the notes one at a time. Try selecting a measure that looks like it will fill in one of the missing measures. You can do this by clicking twice in the white space around the notes:

Next, go up to the "Edit" menu and click on "Copy" - or - you can press CTRL-C on your keyboard. 

To paste your measure, click twice on the measure you'd like the notes to go, then press CTRL-V to paste - or - select "Paste" from the "Edit" menu. 

Try it out! How many measures can you fill correctly? 

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